1.---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- To: THE_SET@.att.net Subject: 1954 RCA Color TV Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 15:36:50
Pete, Did you ever finish the restoration project? Are you still in NJ?
I work for CBS, and this Sunday on CBS News Sunday Morning we are going to talk about the first RCA color TV in 1954. The producers are looking for a working model or at least one that is intact to use as a prop on the show. You will be compensated.
Get back to me ASAP. Bob
2.--------- My Response ----------------------------- From: dexnis60@yahoo.com Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 19:58:13
Bob, My CT-100 has sound-only so far. Yes.
I know of a working CT-100 in CT, one in Ohio, another in Florida. The Connecticut set is within commuting distance of NYC. Pete
3.------- Bob's Response ----------------------------- To: dexnis60@yahoo.com Subject: Re: 1954 RCA Color TV Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 05:14:15
Pete, Thanks for the rapid response. Unfortunately, the producers thought about getting a set as a prop the last minute and now I think they have given up on the idea due to logistics.
It's good to know there are people like you preserving our television heritage.
Please watch our show, CBS SUNDAY MORNING at 9 EST [3-25-2001] to see the segment on the CT-100.